• Towards a 30-year Review of South Africa's Democracy 1994-2024

Department of Social Development Leaders

Minister for Social Development
Deputy Minister for Social Development
Acting Director General


To create and provide social protection to the most vulnerable of society through the delivery of social welfare services, delivered via provincial government and NPO structures.


·          Develop policy and legislations that promote the rights of older persons

·          Develop and strengthen programmes, Care, Support and development of older persons

·          Develop and implement strategies to protect and promote the rights of older persons


Contact: 012 312 7545 or 012 312 7546


To reduce poverty through integrated sustainable development and the rebuilding of families and communities through empowering young, old and the disabled people as well as women. 


1.        Co-ordinate and facilitate the delivery of integrated and sustainable development programmes that will promote the achievement of holistic community development through partnership with relevant stakeholders and civil society.

2.        Prevent the spread of HIV, reduce the progression of those who are positive to full blown AIDS through appropriate interventions, as well as support those who are on ARV treatment through strategies that will mitigate the social impact of the epidemic.

3.        Create and provide social protection to the most vulnerable of society through the delivery of Social Welfare Services, delivered via Provincial Government and NPO structures  

4.        Develop and implement the required policies, legislation and programmes in order to protect the rights of children to care and protection.

5.        Ensure that the required policies, legislation and programmes are established in order to promote and support family life, to provide services to victims of crime and perpetrators. 

Contact: 012 312 7662 or 012 312 7663


To ensure alignment of department’s social policy thrust to other government poverty research, measurement and social exclusion analysis initiatives.


  1. Give strategic guidance to the policy developments of the Department.  
  2. Advise on the implementation of research/capacity building/program development projects. 
  3. Contribute to poverty reduction by ensuring that programmes and services are aligned with the objectives of ASGI-SA, and ensuring the sustainability of social spending through the improvement of job creation in the economy.  

Contact: 012 312 7770 or 012 312 7771  


To alleviate and reduce poverty, vulnerability, social exclusion and inequality through a comprehensive social protection system. 


1.       Prevent vulnerability and destitution as a result of the loss of income through social assistance.

2.       Contribute to poverty reduction and mitigating the impact of vulnerability through social insurance.

3.       Strategically facilitate effective and efficient implementation of social policies and procedures and ensure compliance through regular appraisals and reviews of implementation options.

Contact: 012 312 7746 or 012 312 7748


To coordinate and manage the support services provided to DSD and the core functions.


1.       Provide information management and information technology services.

2.       Provide legal services to and for the DSD.

3.       Provide an efficient Human Capital Management service that will enable the Department to achieve its stated objectives.

4.       Manage and implement an effective communication strategy for the ministry and DSD.

5.       Ensure the security of the DSD’ equipment, infrastructure, personnel and information

Contact: 012 312 7490