National Development Agency
The National Development Agency (NDA) is a listed public entity (Schedule 3A of the Public Finance Management Act), reporting to the Minister of Social Development. The NDA was established under the National Development Agency Act, 1998 (Act 108 of 1998), which replaced the Transitional National Development Trust (TNDT). The key strategic objectives of the NDA, as prescribed in the legislation, are to:
- grant funds to civil society organisations for the purpose of meeting the developmental needs of poor communities;
- strengthen the institutional capacity of organisations for long-term sustainability;
- proactively source funds for purposes of achieving its developmental objectives;
- promote consultation, dialogue and sharing of developmental experiences to debate and influence developmental policies; and
- develop strategies to collaborate with local community development trusts, foundations, government clusters and civil society organisations. The key NDA programmes are funding, capacity building, policy and research, policy dialogue, as well as impact assessment.
The Central Drug Authority
The Central Drug Authority (CDA) was established under Section 2 of the Prevention and Treatment of the Drug Dependency Act, 1992 (Act 20 of 1992). Its key functions are to:
- give effect to the National Drug Master Plan;
- advise the Minister on any matter affecting the substance and drug abuse environment; and
- promote measures relating to the prevention and combating of the abuse of drugs.
Advisory Board on Social Development
The Advisory Board on Social Development was established under Section 2 of the Advisory Board on Social Development Act, 2001 (Act 3 of 2001). Its key functions are to:
- advise the Minister on all matters related to social development;
- identify, promote, monitor and evaluate policy, legislation and programmes with regard to social development; and
- facilitate dialogue with and the participation of civil society.
Relief Fund Boards
Four Relief Fund Boards were established in terms of Section 16 of the Fundraising Act, 1978 (Act 107 of 1987). The key functions of the Relief Fund Boards are for the:
- Board of the Disaster Relief Fund to assist persons, organisations and bodies who suffer damage or loss caused by a disaster;
- Board of the Refugee Relief Fund to assist refugees as the Board may deem fair and reasonable;
- Board of the State President's Fund to assist victims of any act of terrorism in respect of their medical treatment and rehabilitation; and to assist such victims and their dependants who suffer financial hardship or financial distress caused directly or indirectly by any act of terrorism; and
- Board of the Social Relief Fund to make finances available to organizations that are capable of rendering assistance to persons with psycho-social challenges and of rendering such social relief of distress to members of communities that are victims of violence.
The South African Social Security Agency
The Department is in the process of creating a new entity, the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA), which is listed as a Schedule 3A public entity in terms of the Public Finance Management Act. The founding legislation of this entity, the South African Social Security Agency Act, 2004, was enacted at the beginning of 2004. The key functions of this agency include the administration and payment of social grants, as well as:
- the processing of applications for social grants;
- the verification and approval of applications;
- the disbursement and payment of grants to eligible beneficiaries; and
- quality service assurance by ensuring compliance with norms and standards, as well as fraud prevention and detection.
Strategic priorities
The Department has formulated and committed itself to the following strategic priorities:
- To create an enabling environment for social and human capital investment.
- To promote social integration.
- To establish social protection initiatives to build the capacity of vulnerable groups.
- To provide a comprehensive social security system.
- To develop leadership in social development to ensure the deepening of the social policy discourse and evidence-based decision-making.
- To engage in the effective and efficient management of social development programmes and activities in partnership with civil society and other social partners.
- To promote good governance.
- To steer national involvement in African and international frameworks and agreements with respect to socio-economic development.