The Minister of Social Development, Ms Lindiwe Zulu, will on 20 April 2024, speak at this year’s EMPOWAMEN Summit in Johannesburg, Gauteng.
The summit which brings together 3000 men, aims to tackle toxic masculinity at its root, shatter stereotypes and rewrite the script of manhood while assisting the country in its fight against Gender Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) and strengthening families.
The 2023/2024 third quarter crime statistics released by the South African Police Service (SAPS) state that between the years, 2021, and end of 2023; murder, attempted murder and assault crimes against women aged 18 years and above, increased from 902 to 18 474.
The department of social development leads Pillar 4 of the National Strategic Plan on Gender Based Violence and Femicide (NSP-GBVF) which deals with Response, Care, and Healing and it recognises men as partners in the fight against GBVF.
The NSP-GBVF is the country’s comprehensive strategy for tackling all forms of violence and abuse against women and children.
The department of social development is also responsible of programs that strengthen families - an area the summit will discuss. The White Paper on Families, which focuses on promoting healthy family life, strengthening the family and preserving it, seeks to promote and support families, many of whom are less equipped in responding to huge financial and social pressures, including but not limited to poverty and a lack of economic opportunities, substance abuse, crime, and violence.
It recognises that the South African family is mostly led by women who carry the responsibility of raising children alone.
South African families are diverse and exist in high rates of internal migration and mobility, including, children; unusually low marriage rates; high rates of informal relationship care; high rates of inequality, poverty and violence.
It is in this context that the White Paper on Families views the family as an important development societal component aiming at securing government and multi-sectoral-wide support to enhance the “socialising, caring, nurturing and supporting capabilities of families so that their members can contribute effectively to the overall development of the country.
The summit aims to be a safe space for men and during panel discussion session, delegates will deliberate on physical, Mental, Sexuality, Spirituality, Gender Based Violence, raising children and families. On the day, men will also be empowered on how best they can turn their lives around and become responsible citizens and role models for current and future generations.
The summit will be live on :
Members of the media are invited to attend and cover EmpowaMen Summit planned as follows:
Date: Saturday, 20 April 2024
Time: 08h30
Venue: 1 Danielle Street, Randburg, Mosaiek Theater in Fairlands, Gauteng Province
Media can RSVP by contacting Ms Precious Mupenzi on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 083 715 0034
Media enquiries may be forwarded to Ms Lumka Oliphant on 0834848067 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.